New Package Option

Dear all,

As there are too many people request for 2 videographers service, therefore we decided to add one more option for our clients.
Chankai will design your video theme to show your unique personality for the wedding day shooting.

Please kindly note that there will be price adjustment on our rate card starting from August. You can still enjoy the old rate if you confirm our package before July 31. Please email us if you want more information, we look forward to hearing from you soon!

Chankai 會依你的性格,喜好來設計你獨一無二的婚禮片段。


The current rate card click here


Wedding Video - gold text

Production Assistant Wanted!

Chankai Vision is a rapidly growing and award-winning independent video production company specialising in wedding and TVC. We are currently looking for a part or full-time Production Assistant who can assist in production and maintenance of different projects (including Stop Motion, Weddings MV and the ideas we want to try).

We provide the successful candidate a friendly and dynamic working atmosphere and since we are a small business, we are looking for someone who is capable and organized with strong communication skills and a willingness to get stuck in.


Responsibilities include:

  • Providing general assistance to the production team
  • Interacting with clients and customers
  • Online customer support
  • Organizing recording sessions and auditioning new actors
  • Writing copy and editing data for games
  • General office administration


  • MUST Proficiency in Microsoft Office and Google Docs in Macs and Windows
  • Good command of spoken and written English and Chinese
  • Helpful, courteous, professional attitude, can-do & willing-to meet tight deadlines
  • Have genuine interest and enthusiasm in creativity – no needed to be an expert
  • Previous experience is not essential – but all we need is YOU – hard working with passion!

Chankai Workshop – 2013 Mid

Chankai workshops will kick off in July, a number of different themes each workshop will be introduced from time to time, including shooting techniques, editing techniques and the music arrangement, Chankai was shooting at a wedding over the past decade have learned by practicing unreservedly to you one by one to share and  analyze. The first launch of the application for handheld shooting workshops. For any inquiries or to register, please email to



Hand held shooting workshop (Chakverite & KaideoScope)



– Chankai Sharing – Hong Kong, Guangzhou, Taipei, Kaohung Seminar
– Music arrangment and editing
– Music arrangement and editing (advence)
– Quick start of photographer to videographer
– Chankai style ONE DAY workshop


Chakverite & KaideoScope Introdution



“Chakverite” “實錄法” 及”kaideoScope“,一個新詞的誕生

Chankai研究電影歷史多年,其中對 蘇聯導演維爾托夫 (Dziga Vertov)20年代的系列電影Kino-Pravda十分感興趣 , 這個語彙原意為藉由並列的影像 (juxtapositions of scenes)獲取被掩蓋的真實,另外也參考了 Cinéma vérité「真實的電影」,將這些理論融合他在婚禮錄影多年的經驗研出的獨特手法


“Chakverite” “實錄法“
這是指一個真實現場中捕捉人與人之間微妙的互動及情感,而且將對現場的拍攝影嚮減到最低,從而可以拍錄到所有事物最自然的一面,另外亦都用最少的器材,造到更多的鏡頭效果,亦將所有的腦力專心用於構思拍攝而非器材之上,最後可以貫徹Less is more 的宗旨。以下是”Chakverite” “實錄法“的示範


Overseas Schedule 2012








四月 悉尼

六、七月 阿姆斯特丹、威尼斯、瑞典、巴黎、倫敦

八月 威尼斯、巴塞隆拿、羅馬

九月 布拉格、瑞士


Dorothy + Benny Artistic love journey in Italy
Engagement Video | 夢.意大利

Love at Venice : Katja & Foto
click here to watch

a Wedding in Paris: Anki & Andrew

click here to watch

Rate Adjustment

New rate cards will be announced and valid on 16th February 2012. To hold the current rate, please kindly confirm and deposit before 15th February 2012 entitle for the old rate. Thank you.

2012年2月16日開始,Chankai Vision的收費將會作出調整,仍未繳交訂金之客戶請儘快於2012年2月15日完成程序。之前落實訂單之客戶將不會受影響,謝謝!

– Chankai Vision –

Our New Rate

With immediate effect, new rate card is updated. All bookings will be charged at the new rate afterwards. Thanks!

Team Of Chan Kai
Three Videographers
Highlights Or full doc. DVD
HK 13,500

Second Team
Two Videographers
Highlights DVD and SameDayEdit
HK 8,500

Concept Video
Tell your love story with any way you want.
Chankai will script it into a tailor-made video,

through interviews, location shoots, music
and graphics. running time 5+ mins
HK 6,500

Destination Shooting
We love shooting around the world
please contact us for a quote

Rate Adjustment

New rate cards will be announced and valid on 1st July 2011. To hold the current rate, please kindly confirm and deposit before 30th June 2011 entitle for the old rate. Thank you.

2011年7月1日開始,Chankai Vision的收費將會作出調整,仍未繳交訂金之客戶請儘快於2011年6月30日完成程序。之前落實訂單之客戶將不會受影響,謝謝!

– Chankai Vision –