Red Pocket Mountain 2012
Thanks all the clients in 2012, help me build this red pocket mountain. I still no free to open them, it need spend a long time. Haaahaha
And I should share that news, the total our projects in 2012, is 5 times of 2011. Thanks all, it make me close toy dream.
2013 Chankai 一月份動態
- 又是感動的時刻,今次特別感動(是指我感動),因為在台北
- Classic Mini, so cute
- 今天跑可愛路線 與不同的攝影師合作,就會有不一樣的效果。
- 是日新娘
- Twins Stars 延續感動畫面的就是幸福溫馨的場面,看得出她們是雙生兒嗎?
- 一次比一次精緻 ‘Chankai Stop Motion’
- 前天晚上的送客團
- 終於有空整理一下器材,但整理後還是覺得很亂
Thanks Amy and Ryan
I enjoyed shooting at your wedding too.
Cecil & Drink: Layers of Love
When Cecil and Drink invited us to produce a package of videos for them, we were more than happy to oblige. Their requests include a Same-day edit, a love story concept video and a special tribute to their parents.
The 3 videos could be seen as separate projects, but also as backbones for each other. They show different dimensions about the couple’s story and characters. We love working on such a project extensity. We could get to know the lovely couple well and deep, and in turn produce videos that best capture their personalities.
We are most impressed by their special effort in giving thanks to their parents and recounting their blessing. It just demonstrates how these two gentle and thankful souls are meant for each other.
我們總共為Cecil 和 Drink製作了三段影片,分別講述他們的愛情故事,向父母致謝和當日的婚禮記錄。我們很喜歡製作這類Package,因為可以與新人有不同的合作機會,有更多空間了解他們的故事。這樣拍出來的影片,才更配合他們的性格,更能捕捉他們的互動。
by Chankai Vision
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