Adele & Jerry: Follow the Way of Love

This is a love documentary, a concept video that we made with Adele and Jerry. The special pair would like to invite their guests to be true witnesses of their union – not only to the ceremony, but also their love stories and how they are meant for each other.

We interviewed them separately, accompanied them on their normal dating activities and recollect their proposal moments. It’s produced just like a news documentary, only this time we discuss about love, friendship and partnership. Thanks so much to Adele and Jerry, for opening their hearts for us. This was truly a memorable and touching experience – to be invited to walk along their way of love once again. I believe their families and guests appreciated just as much.

Adele 和Jerry決定為自己拍一段概念影片(Concept Video)的原因很簡單:他們希望在婚宴上認真地向賓客分享他們的愛情故事。他們不想婚宴過後,朋友們記得的只是晚宴菜式,或是遊戲節目。他們希望親友們能由始至終,親身見證他們的愛情之路。


One Comment on "Adele & Jerry: Follow the Way of Love"

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